Making the Connection: The Hallmarks of Thriving Communities

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Summer is fast approaching! After months of experiencing life through the lens of a pandemic, we can finally begin to emerge from our small protective social bubbles and re-connect with our larger thriving community. We can almost hear a collective … Continued

Your Whole Life: Mind and Body, Heart and Soul

posted in: Personal Growth | 0

In a time when our basic way of moving through life is being challenged and we may find ourselves separated from people we love and routines that bring us comfort, it might seem counter-intuitive to talk about the experience of … Continued

5 Quick-Start Ideas to Find Your True Center

posted in: Community, Personal Growth | 0

How do you find your true center and a path to true community? Most of us hear the word “community” and we think about a physical place or perhaps a sense of belonging and connection to friends and neighbors. True … Continued

3 Keys to Discover Your True Center

posted in: Personal Growth | 0

How do you discover your true center? Your true center is not a physical space so much as it is that inner part of who you — the you that exists wherever and whenever you are your most authentic, genuine … Continued