Come Home to Your True Center by Eve Willson


Remember Who You Are, Reclaim Your Voice
of Truth, Restore Your Connection to Wholeness

This book is about coming home to who you really are. Come Home to Your True Center guides you through a process to remember who you are, reclaim your voice of truth, and restore your connection to wholeness. Through profound inner shifts in conscious awareness, your personal transformation has the potential to transform the world around you.

By living from your True Center, you begin to unfold a spiral path of transformation for others. 

We each unfold into a fuller experience and expression of life and a realization of our connection with all of existence from True Center and, from that place, we move toward the authentic expression of our true voice in the world. The movement toward authentic expression allows us to restore our connection with wholeness and live a life of meaning and purpose.


Meet the Author

Eve Callaway Willson MSW, CPC, is founder and executive director of True Center, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to fostering opportunities for personal transformation and community enrichment to support the greater good.


Wholly Connected - books by Eve Willson


Five Pathways for the Return to True Community
A Practical Guide for Connection to Community

In a world that on the surface appears more connected than ever, symptoms of disconnection abound. All around us, people are disconnected from the truth of who they are and from the experience of True Community. Wholly Connected offers a compassionate and heartfelt invitation to reconnect to your natural state of inner wholeness.

Travel the five pathways unfolding from the Spiral of Connection and experience a deeper sense of inner and outer connection. Inside you’ll find practices and pathways for being in connection to self, family and friends, the larger community, nature, and the global community.

This book is at once an inspiring message of hope for a more compassionate world and a practical guide to a life of deep meaning and purpose… wholly connected!


Meet the Author

Eve Callaway Willson MSW, CPC, is founder and executive director of True Center, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to fostering opportunities for personal transformation and community enrichment to support the greater good.
