Making the Connection: How Our “Small” Actions Can Make a World of Difference in Our Community

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Our world today seems to be turned upside down with unprecedented challenges that include a resurgence of the COVID19 virus and its variants, the devastating and widespread effects of climate change, and social and political unrest at home and abroad. Everyone and every community is impacted in some way by these recent and unfolding events.

In response, many are stirred by a deep desire to help in any way they can. Reaching out to help others and to alleviate suffering in times of need is a natural human response, yet we may hesitate to help, not knowing how to help or thinking that our actions are too small and insignificant to make a difference.

Do you want to do something to help but don’t know where to start?  Or, do you feel powerless to help and assume the world’s needs will be addressed by governments, large charitable organizations, international aid organizations, and others?

It is not surprising that many people report that they feel numb to everything happening on the local and world stage. People respond to and cope with uncertainty and stressors in different ways. It is a time that calls for compassion and understanding as people struggle to respond (or react) in their own individual ways. 

The magnitude of today’s challenges call for monumental and creative responses and solutions from around the globe. The enormity of the need may seem far beyond our individual abilities to make a difference, yet we are all needed.  No action is too small or insignificant. If you are asking “How can I help?“, the answer is to do what you can where you are.  In fact, our small actions can make a world of difference. 

Living in a Connected World

In our world everything is connected at some level, and so it is not possible to separate life into static and discrete parts. We all exist in webs of relationship. We are all inter-connected, living in a state of inter-BEing. We are interdependent, meant to be in relationship to one another. Each of us is an integral part of the great web of life. Because we are integrally connected, even our small actions can have significant impact. The effects of our actions naturally ripple outward in expanding circles. 

Living in a connected world offers opportunities for cultivating compassion. We are truly all in this together. When one persons suffers in the world, essentially we all suffer. In fact, “compassion” means “suffering together”. We cultivate compassion as we come to a deeper understanding of our connection and see ourselves as one with all of life. 

Helping Others Begins Within

Every person is a unique and magnificent individual that is integral and contributes to the Whole of life. We each innately hold the imprint for the full flowering of our potential. We are imbued with the creative life energy to unfold to our full potential. What is ours to give in service to the world is the full expression of who we really are.

In this way we honor our deepest yearnings to help the world. Yours is an unique voice in the great symphonic harmony of life. You naturally serve when you discover how to move and act in alignment with who you really are. That is how you impact the world in a powerful way. 

No life is less valuable or precious than another. You are intrinsically valuable and precious because you ARE. The world needs our gifts of our unique expression now more than ever. We are called to express ourselves authentically, ethically, and compassionately so that we can co-create a better future for all. Our unique gifts are essential to the well-being of the whole.  And, as you give of yourself, you also receive. 

To withhold our gifts of service to the world (by our inaction, complacency, lack of information about how to help, etc) is to deny the world its fullest expression, for we each are meant to be valuable contributors to the Whole. When you view your life as a gift that you offer to the world in the service of the greater good, your experience of life takes on a much deeper level of meaning and purpose. 

Each of us determines the specific forms of our giving; that is, the specific actions we take to help others in our community and beyond. Specifically what you choose to do reflects your values, passions, your interests, your skill and abilities, and the available opportunities around you.  

Ideas for Action: “Small” Ways to Help Make a World of Difference

Here are some ideas for taking “small” actions in your local community that can ultimately have big impact. Your local efforts contribute the the co-creation of a stronger and more vibrant community which is an integral part of the larger world in which we live. 

  1. Start with Self-Care. It is difficult to extend yourself to others if you have neglected to care for yourself. Try treating yourself with tender loving care. Time devoted to your own well-being allows you to rest, rejuvenate, recalibrate and recenter yourself. Go on retreat. Spend some time in nature to ground yourself and feel your connection to our earth home. Take time for personal growth. Attend workshops, take a class, read books. Connect more deeply with your inner self. Doing inner work that deepens your self-awareness can open you to experience more happiness, balance and less suffering. Coming into deeper awareness of who you really are allows you to get in touch with and access you inner resource, giving you the inspiration and strength to offer yourself in the service of those in need around you. As you continue to grow yourself, you are also equipping yourself to get clear on ways you can contribute more fully to your community and the world. 
  2.  Be kind to others.  Smile!  A simple smile is considered the most powerful of all human gestures. You never know how the genuine smile you give to someone may brighten their day and make a real difference in how the rest of their day goes.  Spread kindness and goodwill by extending random acts of kindness to others. The ripple effect of your kindness to others expands outward in the world. Connect with others as you move through your day. Offer kind words of gratitude and a smile to those you casually encounter, such as grocery store checkout clerks.
  3. Volunteer in your community. While there are many families around the world who desperately need help, there are many families right in our own local communities who are experiencing the devastating effects of the viral pandemic, including food insecurity, housing evictions, long-term health issues, and death of loved ones. Explore opportunities for volunteering in your community. Explore ways you can volunteer your time to assist immigrants or refugees who have relocated to your community. Offer translation services if you are fluent in other languages. Your heartfelt service through volunteering your time helps to build a caring and compassionate community that in turn contributes to a more compassionate and peaceful world. See our article on simple ways to support the children in your community.
  4. Donate what you can.  Many individuals and families need our donations of clothing and household items. Chances are you have household items you no longer use that will benefit others in need. Explore locations for donation drop off or arrange for home pickup. Consider supporting charitable organizations when you can. Consider giving the gift of life by making regular blood donations through the Red Cross. 
  5. Be Mindful of Your Footprint. Choose to live in an intentional and sustainable way. Live simply to simply live. Our earth mother is in trouble and needs our help. Small actions can make a big difference in addressing climate change. Do your part. Support local recycling efforts, limit your use of plastics, plant a garden, buy locally, model responsible, eco-friendly behaviors for children.

In short, you can do your part to help the world by helping in your community. Even the smallest of conscious and heartfelt actions contribute to the greater good… and your life is enriched with meaning and purpose. As we extend ourselves to help others in need, we are contributing to the Whole of life, co-creating a more peaceful, compassionate and thriving world. 

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