Moving from Disconnection to True Center

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The U.S. Surgeon General has recently issued an official report on what he sees as an epidemic of loneliness. All around us, people are disconnected from each other. Most crucially, they are disconnected from the truth of who they really are. Actually they are and always have been connected; they have simply forgotten their connection

A sense of disconnection from self can lead to loneliness, pain and much suffering.

Our truth resides at the center of who we really are. While we can find truth from our life experiences, much of what we refer to as truth in our everyday lives is what each one of us deems to be relevant to our individual lives. And this truth is truth flavored by our past experiences and by the influence and interpretations of others. It is a kind of acquired truth that we come to assume is the truth of who we really are.

It can be all too easy to become influenced by others if you do not understand who you really are. In today’s world we are inundated with information… and disinformation. Hearing contrasting and often distorted messages can leave us confused and feeling ungrounded. You may feel as if you have lost your way. Detangling from disconnection begins with a return to true center.

Reconnecting with the truth that resides at your center helps to ground you and deepen your self-awareness. It allows you to see beyond the confusion in order to discern what is true and life affirming. Rather than simply consuming what is reflected by the outside world or living in a state of constant confusion, doubt, and fear, you can learn to discern what is real, release your resistance and remain rooted in what is most true for you. 

Life offers each of us the experiences and opportunities to remember who we are, reclaim our voice of truth, and restore our connection to wholeness so that we may live a life of meaning and purpose that serves the greater good. If you look deep within yourself to remember the truth of who you really are this will lead you home to your true center. 

As you look deep within and open yourself to discover more and more about yourself, you naturally reveal and express in a more authentic way. This is an ongoing process that continues in your life; there is always more and more about yourself to discover and express in the world.

At first you may experience fleeting insights that seems like flickers or glimmers of light or insight, only to slip away in your habitual and recurring state of forgetfulness. With continued looking within, the spark of your truth will grow. That spark is sustained by the power of an inner truth that wants to express in the world. 

Our great hope for our future and that of the earth lies in our awakening to a deeper understanding and remembrance of who we really are. We are born with that innate knowing. We can see it alive in the joy, curiosity, and innocence of young children. They remember. As we grow older and move through our busy and often frenetic lives, we tend to forget this knowing. We become disconnected from who we really are.

We are each unfolding and expanding in response to the innate spark of life that inspires our creativity and expression in the world. This life that has been graciously given to you is precious and sacred. You are a valued and necessary contributor to the whole. Your sacred presence in our world enriches us all, and without your unique voice the wholeness cannot be fully realized. 

If you are an older person, you may wonder if you have waited too long in your life to turn away from this pattern of disconnection and heed the inner call of self-remembrance and awakening. Please know that it is never too late to begin. The world needs you now more than ever. We all need each other. You can start where you are right now, in this present and timeless moment to begin the journey that will lead you home to your true center.

Consider this article a warm invitation to self-remembrance that helps you reconnect with the truth of who you really are. This journey is best traveled with an open heart, curiosity, and a desire for deeper self-understanding and self-awareness. The remembrance of your truth opens you to the vast potential to live your life to the fullest, to allow a unique expression arising from your center. It is through your remembrance that you can experience deeper meaning and purpose in your life and co-create a more peaceful and compassionate world for all to enjoy. 

If we want to transform a troubled world marked by divisiveness, disconnection, and violence into a more thriving, peaceful, harmonious, and compassionate world, we must find the courage to be our true and authentic selves and to carry with us a message of hope and love into the world. Through the loving and inspired action of those who know the peace that comes from within, we bring forth a more loving and peace-filled world.

Peace begins within each of us, within you and me. 

Right now many people are enjoying lives of purpose and meaning and making valuable contributions to their communities, while many others live anguished lives fraught with depression, addictions, and violence toward themselves and others. Some live out their lives in complacency, going through life as if on auto-pilot, accepting the status quo and mired in forgetfulness. Others have found a measure of peace and hope, but have lost their bearings in a time of great tumult in the world.

Too often we may find ourselves judging ourselves or others for the choices we may have made in life. We are each on a unique journey marked with challenges and uncertainties along the way. Sometimes we are frozen in fear as we face looming challenges. Sometimes we change our course completely in order to avoid what it is that we fear most. The beauty of our lives is that we can always begin again. Each moment offers us the opportunity to start afresh. 

We are all in this life together, yet we must each travel our own path. Every person contributes to the wholeness that we are together. Rather than judge anyone for where they may be in their unfolding life, we can choose to open our hearts in gratitude for each life that makes up this wondrous wholeness.

My journey is not your journey, yet we learn from each other. We are each both student and teacher in this life. As the late spiritual teacher Ram Dass said, “We are all just walking each other home.”

Looking deep within ourselves provides insight for some of the most existential questions we face in life: Who am I? Why am I here? The answers to these questions are unique to each person. They lie deep within and it is those who choose to look deeper within who will remember.

The True Self is your deepest inner self that connects you with all of humanity. It is who you are at your most authentic level.

The True Self is that aspect of you that some refer to as Higher Self, Soul, God, or Source. It exists outside the confines of time, space, and the body; yet, it expresses in time and space, through your body here in the world of form. Your True Self that arises from the oneness, truth, peace, and stillness that is True Center. 

In truth, you are always connected to your True Center. As you go through life, though, it is easy to forget that vital connection to the truth of who you really are. In your forgetfulness, you may sometimes notice you feel a sense of discontent and disconnection. When that happens, your life may seem meaningless, without purpose, and ungrounded. It is only through remembering the truth of who you really are, again and again, that you can live an authentic life and take inspired action arising from who you are as your most essential self. 

Connection with your True Self opens you to an expansive experience of life. This happens as you embrace the wholeness of your individual self and your experience as integral to the wholeness of all of existence. In time, it leads you to a more fulfilling experience of true community.

This month, True Center invites you to experience connection and a sense of connection and true community by joining us for a four-session series. You can come to any individual session or join us for the series.

Practicing mindfulness in your daily living is one pathway for moving from disconnection to connection. Join us as we connect more deeply with the truth of who we are and support you as you choose to experience each moment with greater awareness and and presence.

True Center is a nonprofit educational organization that provides a welcoming space to remember who you are, reclaim your voice of truth, and restore your connection to wholeness. For more information, email us at or visit us online at

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